Monday, January 24, 2011

Tomato and Salmon Marinade

Tomato and Salmon Marinade 
Onion - 1/4
Garlic - 1 piece
Tomato - 3
Parsley -  a hand full
Salmon -  3 to 4 pieces
Apple cider vinegar - 2 to 3 tbl spoons
Extra Virgin Olive Oil - 1 tbl spoons
Mustard- 1 tbl spoon
Wholemeal flour 
Salt & Pepper

1 - Grate Onion and Garlic
2 - Mix Vinegar, Oil and Mustard well. Add Onion and Garlic.
3 - Cut Salmon into pieces and add Salt & pepper. Batter Salmon with flour and then grill them in an oven until it starts to brown.
4 - While Salmon is still hot, dip in marinade from step 2. Let it cool down a bit then add Tomatoes and chopped Parsley.
5 - Cool them in the fridge before serving. 

I found nice Heirloom Tomatoes at the Farmers market so I used those instead of normal Tomatoes:) I love Heirloom Tomatoes as they have rich flavours.

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