Monday, January 24, 2011

Soy Milk Pudding + Maple Syrup

Eggs - 4
Soy Milk - 600cc
Mint Leaves and Seasonal Fruit (e.g. Rasberry.  Red berries are good for appearance - those in the picture are from a pomegranate.) 
100% Pure Maple Syrup 

1 - Beat Eggs well and add Soy Milk
2 - Strain step 1 through Strainer so that it will be smooth
3 - Pour step 2 into Ramekins and place Ramekins in a big pot. Add water 1.5cm ~ 2cm deep
4 - Boil step 3 with High flame until the water starts to boil, then turn the flame low and place lid on top. Boil for 20 mins
5 - Cool in the fridge. Decorate with Mint Leaves and Fruit before serving and drizzle Maple Syrup over the top (not too much!).

Limit sugar intake to almost none at all. Cut White Sugar out completely.
Grains, Beans, Potatoes and Fruits; most Foods of Plant Origin contain Sugar. By eating the appropriate combination of these, your body will never be short of sugar.

If you feel you absolutely must have 'Sweets', chose unrefined natural sugar and limit intake to a small amount. Avoid 'White Sugar' altogether and use Maple Syrup,Honey or Brown Sugar where possible.

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