Sunday, January 23, 2011

Basic Miso Soup

Basic Miso Suop (4 people)
Water - 700cc
Dried Kelp (Konbu) - cut into 5cm pieces x 2
Miso - 2 1/2~3 tbl spoon
Small Onion - 1
Dried Seaweed (Wakame) - 1/2 hand full, soak in water for 10min then drain off the water
(You can buy Konbu, Miso and Wakame from either Asian Groceries or Health Food Shops.) 

1 - Soak Kombu in Water (Above Photo) for approx 30 min. Turn on stove and wait until Water just starts to boil then take Kombu out of the Water. 
2 - Add sliced Onion to 1 and boil until Onion is cooked.
3 - Add Miso to 2 by using two Table spoon. Make sure they melt.
4 - Add Wakame and boil for a few seconds. 

You can replace B with different ingredients. I used Wakame this time as Seaweed is a nutritionally important part of the traditional Japanese diet. Examples of ingredients are;
Tofu & Shallots, Pumpkin & beans, Sweet Potato & Shallots, Chinese Cabbage & grated Garlic, Potato & Leek, Mushroom & Garlic Chives etc. You can be creative and use different combinations of veggies to experiment! The important point is after adding Miso, not to boil it too much


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